New Brunswick Social Policy Research Network

Member of the NBSPRN- Nicholas Léger-Riopel contributes to two legal works and is supported by the Paul Lacoste Fund for research excellence

Professor in the Faculty of Law at the University of Moncton, Nicholas Léger-Riopel has contributed to two legal works on the right to health and the responsibility of health facilities and institutions.

For the first work, published at the end of 2014, entitled “Droit et politiques de la santé“, Professor Léger-Riopel wrote a chapter which explores the para-regulatory supervision of the physician’s clinical activities and impact of the guidelines, policies and guides on the legal aspects of medical practice.

In his contribution to the second work in the “Obligations et responsabilité civile” of the JurisClasseur encyclopedia,  specifically to the section focused on civil and professional liability,  Léger-Riopel is interested in the legal responsibility of the health facility. This work will be published in coming weeks.

Furthermore, the excellence of Léger-Riopel’s body of work and in particular of his doctoral research was recognized by the Fonds Paul Lacoste.

Professor Léger-Riopel is interested in criminal and tortious liability and health law. He is the author of several publications in this area, including a monograph entitled “Le contrôle de l’activité du médecin exerçant en centre hospitalier”. He has practiced law in the area of professional ethics in a firm whose clientele consisted of the Collège des médecins du Québec and other professional bodies in the health sector.



Read the original article here.


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