New Brunswick Social Policy Research Network

Webinar on Community Engagement

It’s About the Community: Why Community Engagement and Process Matter in Collective Impact (Webinar)

Date: Tuesday January 20 2015

Collective impact efforts are often discussed in terms of organizations or sectors, such as business, nonprofit, government, and philanthropy. What is often left out of the discussion is the community itself, even though it is a critical factor in the long-term success of collective impact initiatives. The community includes the individuals, families, networks, and organizations who will be affected by the initiative and who participate in it, but who are not usually considered to have active leadership roles in creating community solutions. It includes, for example, people directly affected by the problem, as well as social service organizations that may not be initially represented on steering committees or working groups.

This webinar explores why it is important to involve the community actively, how it can be done within a collective impact initiative, and the challenges and pitfalls of engaging the community.

This discussion will further explore the themes discussed in the artiele, Roundtable on Community Engagement and Collective Impact.

For mor information and to register, click here.

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