New Brunswick Social Policy Research Network

The Saint John Volunteer Centre Presents a Noon Nugget

November 26 2015

Managing Our Hot Buttons: Communicating Effectively in Difficult Situations

Communicating calmly, clearly and confidently can be difficult when we perceive that we are being criticized, judged or attacked. If someone “presses our hot button,” then (by definition) we react in a way that seems excessive to others and even to ourselves. This workshop helps us understand, identify, and manage our hot buttons in order to communicate effectively in highly charged situations.

Dr. Beth Gilbert is a retired professor from the Faculty of Business at the University of New Brunswick in Saint John. While at UNBSJ, Dr. Gilbert was the Director of the Co-operative Education program in the Faculty of Business. She holds a Ph.D. in Organizational Theory from the University of Toronto and an MBA and BA from Queen’s University in Kingston. In retirement, Beth does workshops and consulting on Effective Interpersonal Communication and has started a business called Practically Speaking. Subjects for workshops include conflict resolution, effective body language, persuasive presentation of a message, dealing with difficult people, Emotional Intelligence, participative decision making, and establishing boundaries in the workplace.


Location: Meals on Wheels, Beaverbrook Ave. North end

Pre-register call 506-658-1555 or email

Registration: 11:30 am to 11:50 am

Workshop:   12 Noon to 1: pm

Fee:   $15.00 Members , $25.00 Non-Members. Paid in cash or by cheque

Failure to notify of cancellation 2 days prior to Workshop will result in the fee being invoiced.

Prior to registration please advise if you have any mobility restrictions.

Bring your lunch/ Coffee /Tea provided


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