New Brunswick Social Policy Research Network

Grant Writing Workshop: Planning, Writing, Revising, Submitting

The Office of Research Services at UNB invites you to attend their upcoming grant-writing workshop on May 16th from 8:30am-12:30pm. This free half-day workshop will include helpful information about:

– Planning your proposal and locating appropriate funding sources;

– Tips for writing for a review committee;

– Revising a grant proposal draft; and

– Submitting your proposal with the help of ORS.

The workshop is open to researchers from all faculties, and will be of particular interest to early-career researchers and those looking to build capacity in existing research programs. You are encouraged to register early, as space is limited. Workshop attendees will be given an information packet to take home full of tips and activities to help in the grant-writing process.

Please note that this workshop is currently only being offered on the Fredericton campus. A similar workshop will be offered on the Saint John campus at a later date.

Contact them at to register before 4pm on May 11th. Those who register will be sent a follow-up email with information about the workshop location and schedule.

Office of Research Services, 453-4674
University of New Brunswick
3 Bailey Drive, Room 215
PO Box 4400, Fredericton, NB    E3B 5A3

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